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Voluntary Data Exchange

Voluntary exchange of research data of test field users.

Reciprocity is a prerequisite

A WIN-WIN-SITUATION should be made possible: Test field users who voluntarily provide their own freely selected test data via this test field website should also have access to the voluntarily provided data of other test field users. Through this voluntary exchange of information and data between test field customers, an additional benefit is to be offered directly via this test field website. In addition to the original provision of services from the core activity of the test field operator (in particular the provision of historical and current test field infrastructure data for a fee), this can be used uncomplicatedly and focused on the test field for autonomous driving at the request of the individual test field customer.

On the voluntary basis of a separate contractual agreement, the test field customer may also request a staged publication on this test field website of general and specific information on research projects already in progress. This enables interested parties to see, for example, what is already being researched without having to carry out a large-scale or time-consuming Internet search. Test field customers, who authorize the test field operator to do so by contract, can thus inform about their project plans and even about their project results directly via this test field website according to their own ideas. In doing so, the protection of competition is maintained. This is because the information about projects and the exchange of test field user data generated by the test field customer himself is only accessible via this test field website if the test field user expressly requests it. This is no hidden automatism, but rather an explicit contractual declaration of the test field user. Only those test field user research data will be provided that have been released by the data creator and owner on the basis of an individual contractual provision.

Data transfer only with express consent

Because this is a reciprocal data exchange, an interested test field customer can only access defined data voluntarily provided by another test field user for exchange via this test field website if he has agreed to contractually transfer his own selected data in connection with test field use. The link to retrieve such non-individualized data is therefore only provided to test field customers who have themselves agreed to the defined data transfer and thus joined the network for data exchange. The test field sponsor (the state of Baden-Württemberg), the test field consortium (institutions that have set up the test field) and the test field operator are convinced that potential and loyal test field customers can gain added value through this voluntary data exchange on a reciprocal basis via this test field website. It also supports networking for research on the test field.

Comprehensive overview

Similarly, there is an additional benefit for interested parties if they can access the voluntary information on research projects already in progress directly on this website through a generally accessible portal within the framework of the test field customer providing the data, free of charge, via his defined lowest threshold publication level. In addition, a relatively complete overview of what has already been investigated and tested on the test field and by whom can be obtained quickly. Individual activities on the test field are to generate a mutually reinforcing community benefit on a voluntary basis, which can be supportive for the research work as a whole. The exchange of contractually defined data is exclusively about anonymised data which, for example, do not allow conclusions to be drawn about the data producer or the degree of equipment of the vehicles.


The most important in brief

A clause has been added to the test field usage contract which allows the public naming of test field research work directly on the test field website at the request of the test field customer.

In addition, a clause has been added to the test field usage contract which enables voluntary data exchange between test field customers directly via the test field website.

In addition, a further section has been added which allows the test field operator to make available the data which the funding recipient has to publish, e.g. via a website, after a condition of the funding provider (state or federal government), via the test field website and to store it on the test field server in compliance with data protection regulations. In the case of labour-intensive data processing requests from test field customers, the customer must also pass these on for test field fees on the basis of individual agreements with the data provider.

Private companies or research projects financed with their own funds, for example, can also participate on a voluntary basis or reject voluntary participation. Refusal does not result in any disadvantages, as test field services must be provided without discrimination.

If public users (university institutes, municipalities and state institutions) receive state funding for their research or development projects from the Federal Republic of Germany or from a federal state, it is intended that they will be obliged to publish certain data in the funding requirements. Nevertheless, it should be expressly approved that this can be done via the test field website.

This concerns in particular the anonymous and traffic-related data collected by the test field user himself (in particular from the vehicle).

The test field operator will only provide anonymous data which, for example, do not allow conclusions to be drawn about the data generator and, for example, about the degree of equipment of the vehicles.

The publication of data takes place exclusively on a voluntary basis and after contractual consent basically for an indefinite period of time.

To ensure that the test field customer always remains "the master of his data", in the case of non-individualised data exchange (exchange of data which is not prepared separately at the customer's request), reciprocal access is regularly only granted to the decentralised data collection of the data owner as test field user by providing a link. Therefore, no information is regularly provided by test field users on the test field server, but regularly only via the server of the respective test field customer. The aim is to find a solution with a link that cannot be assigned. Only at the express request of the customer can the data be made available on the server of the test field operator without guarantee.

If a test field customer, who has also agreed to the defined data transfer, wishes an individual data preparation after viewing the non-individualized data, an individualized data record will be offered after the consent of the data owner and against the expense allowance claimed by him. Thus there is a chance that both sides can generate additional income from the data treasure.

The link to retrieve the non-individualized data is only provided to test field customers who have themselves agreed to the defined data transfer and thus joined the network for data exchange.

The transfer of the defined data (with the earmarking for research purposes and a predominant public interest) to enable the accompanying and impact research on the test field carried out by the state of Baden-Württemberg is also taken into account.