FZI and Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences develop mobile system for data acquisition

As part of the research project Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg, researchers from the FZI Research Center for Information Technology and Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences are working on the development of a mobile sensor system for holistic data collection. In contrast to conventional sensors that are permanently installed in one place, the innovative sensor units are easy to transport, energy- and data-autonomous. In addition, they should be easy to combine and synchronise, so that they can be set up and calibrated quickly and flexibly at different locations.

The development of the mobile sensor system is significantly advancing short-term and time-limited data acquisition and analysis of traffic events, as different perspectives and flexible data recording are now possible. Until now, the corresponding sensor technology has mostly been permanently installed at important points in the traffic scene, for example at a junction. This is necessary in order to be able to map all the relationships between the various road users, even in complex driving situations. However, the conventional permanently installed sensors limit developers to a single perspective and do not allow for flexible data recording. 

Researchers from the FZI intend to develop a prototype of the mobile sensor unit by summer 2021. This technology is to be used for the first time at the Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg, also at the intersection at KIT Campus Ost. The stationary measurement technology for collecting environmental data will thus be supplemented.

Using several sensor units, a certain area of traffic routes can be recorded, road users can be located in their environment and their position and condition can be recorded over time. By using several mobile sensors, faulty measurements can also be avoided and compensated for, which increases the quality of the collected data as well as the possible spatial extent of the recorded traffic scene.